Going Green – States want 3.3 million electric cars on US roads by 2025
New York and California among eight states working in partnership to accelerate deployment of zero-emission vehicles

Eight of the largest car-buying US states have teamed up on a new plan to put 3.3 million zero-emission vehicles on US roads by 2025.
The Multi-State Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) Action Plan builds on work already undertaken in the partnering states – California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont – which account for more than 25 per cent of national new car sales.
It commits states to building standardised public recharging infrastructure and promoting workplace charging stations, providing incentives to consumers and private sector fleets to purchase ZEVs, and increasing the number of electric vehicles used by government agencies.
“New York is committed to putting clean vehicles on the road to reduce harmful emissions and build a vibrant clean energy economy,” said state governor Andrew Cuomo. “The coalition of states participating in the multi-state ZEV Action Plan is vital to creating the infrastructure needed for our nation to achieve energy diversity, reduce pollution and create jobs.”
Last year, Cuomo used his State of the State Address to unveil Charge NY, a five-year plan to create a state-wide network of up to 3,000 public and workplace charging stations and to have up to 40,000 plug-in vehicles on the road. Almost 400 charging points have been added since its launch, creating a network of 900 across New York for the state’s 8,000 electric vehicles, about 2,500 of which have been introduced after the Charge NY announcement.
Cuomo’s administration has also pledged $50m (£30m) to stimulate demand for electric vehicles and investment in infrastructure; provides a 50 per cent tax credit up to $5,000 to install a public or workplace charging station and provides up to $60,000 per vehicle toward the purchase of an all-electric truck or bus.
The federal government also offers a $7,500 tax credit for electric cars, while several other states in the partnership provide further rebates, free parking, and access to commuter lanes on major routes. (source: www.businessgreen.com)